Happy 21st of February International Tourist Guide Day

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February 21st, International Tour Guides Day, is the day of the tourist guides. It was celebrated for the first time in the world in 1990 and has been celebrated in our country since 1997. The aim is to increase the awareness of the tour guides in the society, to raise awareness of the public about the importance, quality, necessity, and dignity of this profession.

Explore Turkey with licensed Turkish tour guide Hasan Gulday
Happy 21st of February International Tourist Guide Day

Tour guides, who introduce the unique historical, cultural, and natural heritage of our country to local and foreign tourists in the best way by acting as cultural and promotional ambassadors and ensuring the satisfaction of the guests during their visits, have an important mission in terms of the development of the tourism sector. In addition, Tour Guiding is a profession that contributes to people’s understanding of each other better by providing information about people’s cultures and lifestyles and has strategic importance in creating a better image of Turkey. World Tour Guides Day is very important in terms of preserving the value and improving the dignity of tour guides.

Licensed tourist guides go through a difficult and highly costly educational process, who speak, write, and understand at least one foreign language very well, who are not content with what has been given to them, but who constantly read and research, in short, those who want to proceed on this difficult path in order to perform their profession properly.

Hasan Gülday

Hasan Gülday. Professional licensed tour guide working in Turkey.

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