- Sacred flame of the goddess Hestia was kept in the Prytaneion of Ephesus ancient city.
- The first archeological excavations in Ephesus started in 1863.
- The Grand Theater of Ephesus may have taken 60 years to be built. Ancient Ephesians had to carve and dig the mountain where the theater is built on today.
- Saint Timothy was the first bishop of Ephesus.
- Virgin Mary arrived in Ephesus with Saint John the Evangelist to spend 3 years at the location of the House of Virgin Mary today.
- Ephesians became allies with Pontus Emperor Mithridates and killed thousands of Romans in the night of Asiatic Vespers on 88 BC.
- Ephesus had been the center of St. Paul’s Ministry for 3 years.
- The name of Ephesus was mentioned as Apasa in Hittite sources. Also, Hittites called Apasa was the capital of the Kingdom of Arzawa which was a Hittitian sattelite kingdom on the Western Anatolia.
- Ephesus was liberated after the Battle of the Granicus which took place Alexander the Great and Persians in 334 BC.
- Ephesus hosted Mark Antony and Cleopatra in 33 BC before the battle of Actium.
10 Mysterious Facts About Ephesus
December 25, 2020
Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutes