Artemidorus Ephesius of Ephesus

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Artemidorus Ephesius of Ephesus was a philosopher or better to be called a fortuneteller from Ephesus. He lived around the second century AD. His masterpiece of works was a five volumes book called Oneirocritica. We can translate the word ”Oneirocritica” into modern English as ”The Interpretation of Dreams”. Artemidorus Ephesius spent several years travelling around Italy and Greece to learn about dream interpretation rituals. As we know he visited all 16 fortunetelling temples of Italy, Greece and his home country of Asia Minor.

A protective Ephesia Grammata enchanted amulet
A protective Ephesia Grammata enchanted amulet

Valeriya Gülday

I have been living in Turkey for more than ten years. I finished my education abroad on linguistics. Russian and Turkish are my native languages, and I am also fluent in English and Mandarin Chinese. I am on the senior year of tour guiding faculty and soon I wish I will be guiding all over Turkey!

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