There are in total of 81 cities in Turkey. All of these cities have a unique cuisine. Whichever city you go to, you will definitely encounter a different taste in every city. I have compiled a list of 10 amazing dishes from 10 Turkish cities that are identified with these cities. I hope one day you will have a chance to taste each of them. These dishes are the best found in the cities mentioned but we can still taste them in various restaurants scattered around Turkey. Contact your professional licensed Turkish tour guide to explore even more delicacies in Turkey. See you soon, Hasan Gülday.

Adana – Adana Kebab
These provincial people in our Mediterranean region are happy but sometimes very fast-tempered. When it comes to food in Adana, Adana kebab comes to mind immediately. Adana kebab is famous for being very chili. Maybe this is the reason for the temper :D. It should be eaten with turnip juice.

Bursa – Iskender Kebab
Iskender Kebab comes to mind when Bursa is mentioned. Bursa is one of the most popular cities in our Marmara region.İskender kebab in Bursa has a unique taste. I suggest you eat here but also never skip it if you see Iskender kebab anywhere else. Iskender kebab is a good combination of pita bread, yogurt, meat and tomato juice.
Bolu – Bolu Style Zucchini Pancake and Abant Kebab
The city of Bolu is known for its history and tourism. It is also famous for its food and world-recognized cooks. Especially Mengen cooks are known worldwide. For this reason, Bolu cuisine is one of the most famous cuisines in our country. I recommend you to taste the pumpkin pancake and Abant kebab named after Abant Lake in Bolu.
Diyarbakır – Diyarbakır Liver Kebab
Diyarbakır, the most important city in the South East, is known for its history and business opportunities. If you haapen to be in Diyarbakır do not return without tasting Diyarbakır Liver kebab.
Hatay – Hatay Kunefe
Hatay is a historical city in the south of our country which is famous for the food. Especially desserts and dishes such as kunefe, hummus, and pumpkin dessert unique and tasty in Hatay.
Erzurum – Erzurum Cağ Kebab
When we say Erzurum, the cold city of our Eastern Anatolia Region, Çağ Kebab comes to mind first. If your path falls, do not return without tasting cağ kebab in Erzurum.
Van – Van Breakfast
If you are on your way to the city of Van, the pearl of the East, do not return without having breakfast which is identified with Van. If you have some room left in your tummy after breakfast, I recommend you taste the pearl mullet fish too.
Konya – Konya Meat Covered Bread
When you come to Konya, the spiritual city of Central Anatolia Region, you should stop and try some delicacies of Konya cuisine. You should especially taste the meat covered bread here. It is much more dense tasting and filling than the regular Turkish Pida known as ‘’Turkish Pizza’’.
Mersin – Mersin Tantuni
If you go to this city, which is the heart of the Mediterranean, do not return without tasting the delicious tantuni dish made here. Small ground meat pieced fried on a large pan with veggies and spices served in a bread bum.
Şanlıurfa – Şanlıurfa Style Meatless Raw Meatballs
If you ever come to Urfa, the city of the Prophets, do not return without tasting the raw meatballs famous for their chili. They are made out of boiled bulgur rice mixed with tomato paste and spices.