Ephesus Night Tour Details

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Ephesus, ancient city in Turkey, is now open for night visits! Ephesus, an ancient city with significant historical and cultural importance, attracts thousands of visitors each year every day and night! Now you can have a captivating night museum experience in Ephesus. If you’re planning to visit Ephesus at night, everything about Ephesus Night Tour Details can be found in this article!

Hasan and Valeriya Gülday in front of Celsus Library of Ephesus during a Night Tour in Ephesus
Hasan and Valeriya Gülday in front of Celsus Library of Ephesus during a Night Tour in Ephesus

Night Museum Experience in Ephesus

The “Night Museum Experience” has been introduced to Ephesus. As part of this initiative, Ephesus Archaeological Site has been illuminated, allowing both local and foreign tourists to explore it after sunset.

Illuminating Ephesus

The streets of Ephesus were brightly lit with oil lamps at night during the night time, a luxury that not many ancient cities could afford.

Ephesus, which was inscribed on UNESCO’s World Heritage List in 2015, now welcomes visitors during the evening hours as well. Thanks to the upgraded lighting system, visitors can immerse themselves in the 2,300-year-old history of Ephesus even after dusk. Newly added lights made it safe to walk around Ephesus during the nighttime, and also it is easy to take photos during the night tours in Ephesus.

Ephesus Theater in the Night

Beat the Heat: Evening Visits

Especially during the hot summer months, tourists often prefer daytime beach activities. With the night museum concept, Ephesus offers a refreshing alternative. The LED lighting system beautifully highlights the historical architecture, allowing visitors to appreciate Ephesus in all its glory and to see the sights with a brand-new vision.

Practical Information For Ephesus Night Tours Visitors

  • Opening Hours: Visitors can explore Ephesus until midnight (00:00)
  • Admission Fee: Entrance fee is same with the daytime admission fees.
  • Must-See: The illuminated Celsus Library, measuring 21 meters wide and 17 meters high, adorned with intricate decorations, leaves a lasting impression.
  • Fewer Crowds: Night tours are less crowded than daytime visits, offering a more peaceful and intimate experience to appreciate the grandeur of Ephesus.
  • Bonus: Terrace Houses, where Ephesus’ aristocrats once lived, is also accessible for nighttime visits.
Visit Library of Celsus with Ephesus Tour Guide Hasan Gulday

Hire A Tour Guide For Ephesus Night Tour

Contact me to learn more about Night Tours in Ephesus and how to book a guided evening tour in Ephesus, Turkey. Unravel the mysteries of Ephesus during the night and day with your licensed professional tour guide. See you soon, Hasan Gülday.

The Library Of Celsus During A Night Tour In Ephesus

Hasan Gülday

Hasan Gülday. Professional licensed tour guide working in Turkey.

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