Phallus symbols and Priapus of Ephesus

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Priapus, the god of gardens and vineyards, who might also be considered a fertility god, in Greek mythology. Priapus was the son of Dionysus and Aphrodite.

Phallus symbols and Priapus of Ephesus
Phallus symbols and Priapus of Ephesus

His cult spread throughout Greece and Southern Italy through the islands. Priapus originally represented land abundance. He was also a god of the land and sea, protecting herds, bees, and fishermen. A picture of him was placed at the entrances of the houses. This picture would drive away evil and provide peace (maybe an early form of an evil eye?).

Priapus statue with phallus symbol in Ephesus Archaeological Museum

Priapus especially portrayed masculinity and physical love in Roman times. While Priapus figures are depicted as a small and ugly man, his penis is as long as himself. In the polytheistic Greek mythology, besides Priapos, Dionysus, Pan and Hermes have been remarkable gods with their large penises.

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Phallus symbols in Ephesus and Priapus statue of Ephesus Archeological Museum are some of the most unusual attractions in Ephesus. Contact me to hire a professional licensed tour guide in Ephesus, Turkey. See you soon, Hasan Gülday.

Hasan Gülday

Hasan Gülday. Professional licensed tour guide working in Turkey.

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