Lycia et Pamphylia Province of the Roman Empire was located on the southwestern coast of Asia Minor. There were two administrative units called Lycia and Pamphylia earlier. Pamphylia was a part of the already occupied Galatia province and Lycia was a kingdom which was annexed earlier by the emperor Claudius. Lycia and Pamphylia were combined into a single province called Lycia et Pamphylia Province.

Modern Turkish city of Antalya which was called Attalia during Roman era became the capital of Lycia et Pamphylia Province. Side, Ptolemais, Myra, Seleucia, Tlos, Nisa, Termessus, Sagalassus, Aspendus, Perge, Patara and Xanthus were the most important and most famous cities of Lycia et Pamphylia Province. Province was split following the reforms of Diocletian.