Harbetsuvan Tepe. Twin of Gobekli Tepe?
Göbeklitepe is not alone anymore. Similar Structures were Found in Harbetsuvan Hill. Harbetsuvan Hill (Harbetsuvan Tepe) shows characteristics similar to Gobekli Tepe which is in the UNESCO World Heritage list. Harbetsuvan Hill also appears as a very important place just like Göbeklitepe.

Excavations in Harbetsuvan Hill
Harbetsuvan Hill is located within the borders of Eyyübiye Municipality, 55 km from Şanlıurfa. The hill, which is 714 m above sea level, was first discovered in 2014, and excavations begin in 2017 and continue in an area of approximately 6 decares. It is stated that the area where there is no trace of agriculture was used by a hunter-gathering community in 9 thousand BC. The fact that no ceramics can be found in the area also proves that the past has gone to a non-pottery neolithic period.
Why did They Settle in Harbetsuvan Hill?
T-Shaped obelisks, a male statue, numerous wild animal bones, storage areas and traps for hunting animals were found. Experts noted that these findings showed that the people of that era followed the herds of animals entering the Harran Plain on Harbetsuvan Hill, near the Syrian border, and trapped them in traps and then hunted them in the rocky area.
T-Shaped Obelisks
At least 10 thousand years old T-Shaped pillar stones and male sculpture are remarkable. One of the T-Shaped obelisks in Harbetsuvan, made of limestone, is 160 cm long, 50 cm wide, 22 cm thick. There is nothing on it. On another obelisk, there are probably finger reliefs depicted in stone.
Harbetsuvan Sculpture
The head of this statue, which is located on Harbetsuvan Hill and is about 70 cm in size, is broken. It represents a man, just like the ones depicted in the obelisks in Göbeklitepe Harbetsuvan Hill male figurine, which is thought to be around 10,000 years old, is a statue with a phallus depicted sitting, and its head has not been preserved until today. The base of the statue is cylindrical rounded, possibly to fit in a column. This statue has a lot of similarities with the male statue in Karahan Tepe.
Tour Guide to Harbetsuvan Hill
Harbetsuvan Hill is one of the hidden gems of prehistoric era. Turkey offers great collection of ruins which are unique and worth a visit. If you are a history buff like me and if you want to go completely out of the ordinary, visit Harbetsuvan Hill. Hasan was kind enough to take me there while many other tour guides were hesitant. Contact him for Harbetsuvan Hill Tour and have fun.
Curtis R. Smith