Rufus the Doctor from Ephesus

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Rufus the Doctor from Ephesus
Rufus the Doctor from Ephesus

Rufus the doctor was an Ephesian Greek who was born during the era of Emperor Trajan. Rufus was a follower of the famous physician Hippocrates and later he played an important role in the training of the legendary doctor from Pergamon Galen.

Rufus created about one hundred books and the main medical themes he mentioned were patient care, pathology, and anatomy. Most of his works survived to this day and surprisingly most of them are in Arabic since Rufus was a commonly studied expert in Arabic countries. ”One the Diet of Seafarers”, ”Medical Questions”, and ”On Harmful Drugs” are some of his best works.

Hasan Gülday

Hasan Gülday. Professional licensed tour guide working in Turkey.

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