Founding Legends of Ephesus Ancient City

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

The Myth About Amazon Women

It is rumored that Ephesus was first founded by female warriors, who were known as Amazons in history. Also, even Ephesus’ name came from ”Apasas” who was the leader of the Amazons. Although there is no clear information about this period, it is thought that the local people lived in this region for many years.

Ephesus Becomes A World Capital During Hellenistic – Roman Period

The importance and strengthening of the region, which was thought to be a smaller city before, begins with the arrival of Athenian Prince Androklos. At the entrance of the Temple of Hadrian, located in the Ancient City of Ephesus, there is the following inscription describing was Ephesus founded;

“Androklos, the brave son of Kodros who was the king of Athens, wanted to explore the opposite side of the Aegean. First, he consulted the famous oracle of the Temple of Apollo in Delphi. The priests tell him that he will establish a city, where the fish and the pig will show the way. While Androklos was thinking about the meaning of the prophecy, he sailed on the dark blue waters of the Aegean from Athens to Ephesus, which was Aphasas back then. When they come to the gulf at the mouth of the Cayster (Little Meander) River, they decide to go ashore. While they were cooking, the fish they caught by the fire thanks to oil leaking through a crack in the clay pan. A wild boar jumped out of the bushes and run away after snatching the fish. Here the prophecy has come true. They decide to establish a city where the fish and the pig story took place.

Visit Library of Celsus with Ephesus Tour Guide Hasan Gulday

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Ephesus is full of many other stories, and Ephesus is waiting for you to unravel all of them. Contact me to learn more about Ephesus and to hire a professional, licensed tour guide for Ephesus ancient city. See you soon, Hasan Gülday.

Hasan Gülday

Hasan Gülday. Professional licensed tour guide working in Turkey.

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