- Ephesus was renamed as Arsineia for a short while by Lysimachus who was a general of Alexander the Great. The City was named Ephesus again after the death of Lysimachus in the battle of Corupedium in 231 BC.
- Ephesus with the population of 250.000 people was the second biggest city in the Roman Empire.
- Celsus library is one of the best examples of forced perspective in the ancient architecture. The Library has a row of thick columns in the bottom and thinner ones on the second floor.
- The Temple of Artemis in Ephesus was the first ever all fully marble made building in the world.
- Ephesus today is one of the most important Christian pilgrimage destinations of the world.
- Library of Celsus in Ephesus was the third biggest library in the ancient world with 12.000 scrolls.
- Ephesians used to speak Ionian Greek back in the times when Ephesus was alive.
- History of Ephesus goes back to the 10th century BC.
- Apostle Paul wrote the letter to Ephesians while he was jailed in Rome in the year 62.
- Ephesus was destroyed and rebuilt several times in history.
December 15, 2020
Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutes