Tagged: Hire Ephesus tour guide

Philadelphia Church of Seven Churches from Revelation

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutesPhiladelphia Church of Seven Churches from Revelation, Letter to the Church of Philadelphia, philadelphia seven churches, philadelphia seven churches revelation, philadelphia- one of the seven churches, where is the church of philadelphia located today, does the church of philadelphia still exist, philadelphia in seven churches, philadelphia turkey church, philadelphia in turkey, where is philadelphia in turkey, ruins philadelphia turkey, philadelphia revelation church, philadelphia church revelation commentary, philadelphia book of revelation, philadelphia church in revelations 3, philadelphia of revelation, philadelphia in revelation bible, church philadelphia book revelation, why is philadelphia mentioned in the bible, history of the church of philadelphia in revelation, philadelphia seven churches revelation, philadelphia bible, church of philadelphia revelation history, philadelphia in revelation, philadelphia church in revelation, what happened to the church of philadelphia in revelation, church of philadelphia revelation location, where is the church of philadelphia located today, philadelphia church revelation, philadelphia church of revelation, philadelphia 7 churches of revelation

Hercules in Turkey

Estimated Reading Time: 7 minutesHercules, one of the most well-known characters of Greek and Roman mythology, who is also known as Heracles has settled in cultures all over the world...


Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutesAfro-Turks are usually the children and grandchildren of those who settled in Anatolia from Africa mostly came through the slave trade or other means during various...

Roman Empire

Estimated Reading Time: 6 minutesEt tu, Brute? (You too, Brutus?) Roman Emperor Caesar Founded in the 1st century B.C. under the leadership of Augustus, the Roman Empire ruled in the...

Cruises Are Back to Kusadasi

Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutesUPDATE October 14, 2021 Today Viking Cruise made its 3rd visit to Kusadasi Cruise Port. News sources confirmed that several other cruise liners such as Norwegian,...

Top 10 Reasons To Visit Ephesus

Estimated Reading Time: 4 minutesEphesus is a UNESCO World Heritage Site Seeing a world heritage site is not an everyday adventure for many of us. Ephesus Ancient City and surrounding...

Epistle to the Ephesians

Estimated Reading Time: < 1 minuteEpistle to the Ephesians is the forty-ninth book of the Bible and the tenth book of the New Testament. It was written by Paul to Ephesians....

Battle of Ephesus in 498 BC

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutesThe Battle of Ephesus in 498 BC was one of the turning points of the Ionian Revolt, which took place between 499-493 BC. Many Greek cities...

Apostle Gaius

Estimated Reading Time: < 1 minuteApostle Gaius is one of the most important people of Ephesus since his name was mentioned in Holy Bible. Gaius, whose hospitality I and the whole...

Apollos in Ephesus

Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutesApollos was a first century apostle who was born as Jewish and later converted into Christianity. His name was mentioned several time in the New Testament....

Gladiators of the Ancient World

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutesRoots of Gladiators The early gladiators were criminals sentenced to death for their crimes. These people were taken to the arena or the theater for their...

Rufus the Doctor from Ephesus

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutesRufus the doctor was an Ephesian Greek who was born during the era of Emperor Trajan. Rufus was a follower of the famous physician Hippocrates and...

Memnon of Ephesus

Estimated Reading Time: < 1 minuteMemnon of Ephesus was the bishop of Ephesus during one of the most important Christian era events of the city which was the third ecumenical council...

Parrhasius of Ephesus

Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutesEvenor who was another painter from Ephesus was the father of Parrhasius. Parrhasius of Ephesus did not fall far from the three and became a painter himself...

Alexander Lychnus of Ephesus

Estimated Reading Time: < 1 minuteAlexander Lychnus of Ephesus was a poet. He was born in Ephesus around the first century BC. Strabo, the famous geographer, philosopher, and historian from Anatolia,...

Heraclitus and Ephesian School

Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutesEphesus hosted some of the best and most well-known philosophers of ancient times such as Hipponax and Heraclitus. Also, one of the most important philosophical schools...

Olive Oil in Turkey

Estimated Reading Time: 16 minutesHistory Olive Oil The oldest historically discovered data on olive trees dates back to about 40 thousand BC. In the archaeological studies carried out on the...

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