93 Search results

For the term "Emperor".

Emperor Claudius

Estimated Reading Time: < 1 minuteTiberius Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus holds a special place in Roman history, being the first emperor of the Roman Empire to be born outside Italy. Claudius...

Emperor Diocletian

Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutesThe Roman Empire had its greatest time before Emperor Diocletian came to power. Pax Romana, ”Peace of Rome”, beginning with Emperor Augustus was already over and...

Emperor Trajan

Estimated Reading Time: < 1 minuteEmperor Trajan ruled the Roman Empire from the year 98 to 117. Trajan was born in Italica which is modern Spain’s Santiponce town. He became the...

Emperor Augustus

Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutesEmperor Augustus was originally born as Gaius Octavius but because of some Roman traditions which might sound strange to us, he gained many names next to...

Emperor Domitian

Estimated Reading Time: 4 minutesDomitian, the Roman Emperor between 81 and 96, was remembered for peace and stability, but was also under the influence of fear and serious paranoia. Some...

Domitian Temple Of Ephesus

Estimated Reading Time: 4 minutes
An article on the archaeological features, mythological features, structural features, effects on Christianity and the history and personality of Emperor Domitian of the Temple of Domitian in the ancient city of Ephesus.

Roman Ephesus vs Hellenistic Ephesus

Estimated Reading Time: 5 minutesThe ancient Ephesus witnessed the rise and fall of several remarkable civilizations, two of the most important being the Hellenistic and Roman cultures. While both the...

Epictetus of Hierapolis

Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutesHierapolis is an ancient city in Turkey’s world-famous UNESCO world heritage site Pamukkale. Today I want to share some wisdom from the most famous philosopher born...

Roman Empire

Estimated Reading Time: 6 minutesEt tu, Brute? (You too, Brutus?) Roman Emperor Caesar Founded in the 1st century B.C. under the leadership of Augustus, the Roman Empire ruled in the...

Ephesus: The Crossroad of Faiths

Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutesEphesus, where St. Paul’s preached the Gospel and spread Christianity, a city which was visited by the Egyptian Queen Cleopatra and the Roman Emperor Markus Antonius,...

How people used to shave?

Estimated Reading Time: 4 minutesHow people used to shave? The shaver, which is in everyone’s home today, is actually a very new invention. If we go back a little, we...

10 Mysterious Facts About Ephesus

Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutesSacred flame of the goddess Hestia was kept in the Prytaneion of Ephesus ancient city. The first archeological excavations in Ephesus started in 1863. The Grand...

Gladiators of the Ancient World

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutesRoots of Gladiators The early gladiators were criminals sentenced to death for their crimes. These people were taken to the arena or the theater for their...

Rufus the Doctor from Ephesus

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutesRufus the doctor was an Ephesian Greek who was born during the era of Emperor Trajan. Rufus was a follower of the famous physician Hippocrates and...

Hermione of Ephesus

Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutesHermione of Ephesus was not born in ancient Ephesus city. We know this since she was known to arrive to Asia Minor then to Ephesus looking...

Maximus the Magician from Ephesus

Estimated Reading Time: < 1 minuteMaximus the Magician from Ephesus was the leading advisor and magician of Emperor Julian (331 – 363). Maximus was born to a wealth family in Ephesus...

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